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Friday, 3 January 2025

🌹🎶 Voicing 2025

Dear <<First Name>>

🌹🎶 Voicing 2025 ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹

This fresh January morning I stepped out into a frosty paradise, the chill icing my breath and crispy grass spindles scattering sunbeams and crunching underfoot. Whilst I'm aware the Gregorian Calendar was superimposed on natural rhythms of marking time and tides by the moon, I do love the feeling of turning over a new page and pressing reset in January. After putting the joys, learning, losses and random crazy stuff of the old year to bed, it's lovely to float out positive intentions on the tides of the new.  For each moment is a bubble of time, holding the world of our experience, past resonance and future possibilities, in the tender quick of now.

So my invitation to you, if it resonates, is to ask
 ðŸŒ¹ðŸŽ¶ How could your voice be a magical instrument in 2025? 

 ⭐ What creative projects, dreams and expressions might emerge?
- a song, poem, story, love letter, sketch or ...??

 What kind of qualities do you wish your voice to resonate with
- kindness, love, strength, joy, passion or... ?

 What depths of heart-to-hearts do you long to experience with loved ones?

⭐ What kind of listening can you extend so others feel safe to express themselves in your presence?

⭐ What connectivity can you forge through day-to-day communications?

 What vocal legacy might you create by discussing and raising awareness of causes / issues which matter to you and the wider community?

 What kind of action do these positive intentions inspire - what's one thing you can do/ say/ sing/ write/ paint etc in the next month?

🌹🎶 Happy New Singing Year ðŸŽ¶ ðŸŒ¹
Coming Up...

✨ Come and Sing! Choirs restart from 9th January
Lets build community together through the magic of harmony singing.

 ✨ Stepping Out! Singing & Writing Workshop 26th January
Join Anna Sayburn Lane and I for a wonderful one day workshop designed to help you step, sing and write confidently and creatively into 2025. 

 ✨Vocal Revolution Coaching - bring your vocal intentions into reality 
Personalised 121 support to make 2025 a magical year for your self-expression
  ðŸŒ¹ðŸŽ¶ Wishing you much creative fulfilment and joyful vocal expression in 2025! ðŸŽ¶ ðŸŒ¹
Be well, breathe deep and keep singing loudly!

Drop me a line or sing me a song:
@katierosewindow on the Socials

🌹 🎶 Stepping Out ðŸŽ¶ ðŸŒ¹

A One Day Writing & Singing Workshop
with Anna Sayburn Lane & Katie Rose

Sunday January 26th, 10.30 am - 4 pm
@ Brown & Green Life, Thicket Road, Crystal Palace Park, SE20 8DS

Travel through words and song and step confidently and creatively into 2025

The singing and writing workshop is themed around travel and journeys, as we take our first steps into 2025. Expect travellers' tales and songs, creative soundscapes and signposts for your own creative journey.

Fee: £50/ £40 concessions

Book Now

🌹 🎶 Breathe Harmony NHS Staff Choir ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS staff choir run by Breathe Arts Health Research
Co-directed by Mike King & Katie Rose - More information

🌹 🎶 Carers Support Centre Choir ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Singing Respite Sessions for Croydon Carers!!
Twice monthly Weds 10.30-11.45am, 
Carers Support Centre, 24 George Street, CR0 1PG

🌹 🎶 HeartSong ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Happy heartwarming harmonies with Cardiac Friends & Co.
Bi-monthly Singing on Fridays 2-4pm, Holwell Village Hall, Pirton Lane, SG5 3SS

🌹 🎶 Welcome Choir ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Warm, welcoming lively choir who laugh as much as they sing!
We sing (mostly) acappella songs from global genres in harmony,
taught by ear, working towards fun performances.
Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm, St John the Evangelist, Sylvan Road, SE19 2RX
First taster session free, then pay by term. 

🌹 🎶 Vocal Revolution Coaching
Claim the joy, power and magic of your voice & creative expression.

Vocal Coaching & Singing Lessons

Reclaim the Past Sessions - a space to listen deeply to your inner voice, gaining powerful insight about life lessons and the intricate interweaving of past and present.

Book a free 20-minute consultation
🌹 🎶 Rambles of song & sound, word & wonder
Ramble along with me on Substack/ my Blog

Saturday, 21 December 2024

🌹🎶 Sparkly Singing Wishes 🎶🌹

Dear Friend

🌹🎶 Sparkly Singing Wishes ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹

🌹🎶 Festive Greetings for a Magical Midwinter
and Happy Start to 2025 ⭐

 So as 2024 whistles it's last chilly blasts and grey clouds cloak the shortest day, I'm wrapping up the year with a song in my heart.

This sparkly e-card comes with a huge thanks to you and all friends who've stayed tuned and collaborated with me so generously this year. 

With so much to test, distract and divide us, singing remains a magical superpower, one of the simple beautiful things in life that requires nothing extra - just the flight of sound on the wings of breath.
For amidst the consumer pressure to expend time, money and energy externally, it's so often the simple things that bring us home - whether that's hugs, smiles and chats with loved ones or a bowl of warm soup on a cold day.

Wishing you just the right amount of simple, sustaining pleasures,
festive fun and rejuvenating rest and reflection
during this midwinter/ hibernation season. 

🌹🎶 Festive Good Cheer Corner🎶 ðŸŒ¹
Good news and good things to enjoy over the festive season

✨ Good Music! Winter Sparkle Concert
Huge sparkly thanks to all who helped make this such a special sparkly occasion: Breathe Harmony NHS Staff Choir and Breathe Arts Health Research, Welcome Choir, Community Chorus & Carers Support Centre Choir, Muna Escoffery, D'Artagnan, Mike King, all the volunteers and the team at St John the Evangelist and all our friends and family for coming to support.
 Videos - Part 1 & Part 2  - Plus Sparkly Photos

 ✨ Good News!  With huge thanks to those who donated to Breathe's Big Give Christmas Campaign, Breathe Harmony NHS Staff Choir can now continue singing into 2025 - what a great Christmas present!

 ✨ Good Intentions - let's make more singing magic happen in 2025 - it helps make the world a better place.
  ðŸŒ¹ðŸŽ¶ Much sparkly love, joy and peace to you! ðŸŽ¶ ðŸŒ¹
Be well, breathe deep and keep singing loudly!

Drop me a line or sing me a song:
@katierosewindow on the Socials


🌹 🎶 See You in 2025! Choirs restart 8th January ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹

🌹 🎶 Breathe Harmony NHS Staff Choir ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹

Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS staff choir run by Breathe Arts Health Research
Co-directed by Mike King & Katie Rose - More information

🌹 🎶 Carers Support Centre Choir ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Singing Respite Sessions for Croydon Carers!!
Twice monthly Weds 10.30-11.45am, 
Carers Support Centre, 24 George Street, CR0 1PG

🌹 🎶 HeartSong ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Happy heartwarming harmonies with Cardiac Friends & Co.
Bi-monthly Singing on Fridays 2-4pm, Holwell Village Hall, Pirton Lane, SG5 3SS

🌹 🎶 Welcome Choir ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Warm, welcoming lively choir who laugh as much as they sing!
We sing (mostly) acappella songs from global genres in harmony,
taught by ear, working towards fun performances.
Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm, St John the Evangelist, Sylvan Road, SE19 2RX
First taster session free, then pay by term. 

*** Advance Notice ***

🌹 🎶 Stepping Out - 1 Day Writing & Singing Workshop
with Anna Sayburn Lane & Katie

Sunday January 26th
@ Brown & Green Life Crystal Palace Park

After our Deal creative daytrip in the summer, Anna and I are hosting a lovely winter retreat day.

More info soon!
🌹 🎶 Vocal Revolution Coaching
Claim the joy, power and magic of your voice & creative expression.

Vocal Coaching & Singing Lessons

Reclaim the Past Sessions - a space to listen deeply to your inner voice, gaining powerful insight about life lessons and the intricate interweaving of past and present.

Book a free 20-minute consultation
🌹 🎶 Rambles of song & sound, word & wonder
Ramble along with me on Substack/ my Blog