April Blog: The Voice of Peace
a backdrop of earthquakes, wars, bombings and oppressions, I recently
experienced two awakenings about the power of voice to create peace.
The first was the launch of my album Empty Cup - which made me aware of the value of voicing
powerful stories from the oral tradition of english folklore, stories
which resonated with my personal story and the stories of our current
society. As I was recording Molly Bawn - click here to listen -
the story of a woman shot accidentally by her lover - I heard a news
story from the US of a toddler who had shot his mother dead by accident
whilst playing with a gun.
The second was the DVD launch of the film Road to Peace
at Union Chapel, an extraordinary event featuring a music concert MC’d
by Stewart Pearce with chanting from the monks of Kagyu Samye Dzong,
sound healing from Lama Lobsang, music from Tim Wheater, Joshua James
Field and myself, a Big Om from The Barefoot Doctor and a powerful
Q&A with director Leon Stuparich and the Dalai Lama’s representive
Thupten Samdup. Being part of this event has heightened my awareness
that peace has a voice within all of us and has amplified my commitment
to be a voice for peace. I am now even more aware that the voice of
peace is everywhere, struggling to be heard - even in the bombs in
Boston, the fighting in Syria, the debates surrounding North Korea -
there is a deep desire for peace. Those who make threats, throw bombs
and repress others are feeling fearful and threatened in themselves and
their actions are a distorted attempt to communicate and to find some
sort of peace. Everyone contains this desire to be at peace, it is the
differing beliefs and resulting behaviours about how peace is to be
found which create an illusory sense of division.
old phrase ‘anything for a peaceful life’ can for some people convey a
sense of submitting, giving in so as to ‘keep the peace’ and not rock
the boat. The boat sometimes has to be rocked by the storm before peace
can reign - sometimes we are called to be active pacifists. I have been
considering myself what actions I can take to show my support for the
Tibetan people who face increasingly horrific violations of their human
rights. One action we can all take is to lobby our MPs, because at the
present time, out of fear of economic consequences many European leaders
are not wishing to rock the boat with China. However the UN is already
sounding the bell of human rights and the more of us who raise our
voices to communicate our support for Tibet to the leaders of our
countries, the more that bell can be peacefully sounded. You find out
more about how to raise your voice for Tibet and lobby your MP at The Tibet Society.
That the raising of peaceful, non-violent voices can change the course of history is documented by the Singing Revolution
a film which charts the non-violent, singing based liberation movement
of Estonia between 1986-1991 which resulted in their independence from
Russia. By standing in the truth of their cultural and musical
tradition and sounding a courageous ‘NO’ to the Russian occupation, they
were able to find peace and freedom.
when we stand lovingly in our truth, honouring our uniqueness, we can
create peace. We may be called to say No in our own personal lives - No
to oppression, prejudice, injustice, violence, harassment, gossip - and
when we do so with full compassion for those who are in their own way
also trying to find peace - our world begins to change. We let go of
blaming, naming and shaming those who resort to violence and see them as
the walking wounded. We begin to disarm and to lay down our weapons
and defences. We begin to walk the Road to Peace towards a world where Molly Bawn may walk amongst the bushes unharmed.
Wishing you the unique sounding of your voice for peace
* Road to Peace DVD & Music CD
DVD of the film and a CD featuring the music of Naweng Khechog, Tibetan flautist and Grammy Nominee and my composition Love and Compassion - 5% goes to support Tibet House
DVD of the film and a CD featuring the music of Naweng Khechog, Tibetan flautist and Grammy Nominee and my composition Love and Compassion - 5% goes to support Tibet House