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Saturday, 29 June 2013

Hear Me Roar!!!

Hear Me Roar!!

As a Leo I have learnt to love my Roar and I am finding that more and more people around me are roaring too. In Turkey the people stood up and roared when the government attempted to cut down the trees in Gezi Park. In Brazil, the people are powerfully and peacefully roaring.  Magic happens when we allow the power of our most primal voice and deepest felt inner convictions to rise up and be expressed on the wave of a ROOOAAARRRRRR!

Why Roar?
Isn’t that nasty/ angry/ messy? - well yes, life is messy. Roaring allows us to acknowledge the chaos - and to release it in a creative, purposeful way. It allows things to go bang that need to go bang - big style!

5 Reasons to Roar
1 . It enables you to communicate your truth purposefully and directly
No beating around the bush, the lion roars it how it is.
Roaring enables you to take a stand for yourself and for causes, issues and principles that matter to you. When we are true to ourselves, our relationships become more transparent and honest.

2. It will enable you to befriend and transform your anger
There is much fear and misunderstanding of our aggressive impulses.  Scary as these places can seem, pretending that they are not there does not serve us. After all, they evolved to help us get out of tricky spots in the jungle. So making friends with our RAge enables us to transform it into energetic bio-diesel.  Anger can often be a red flag that our boundaries have been busted - roaring enables us to say ‘Oi! I am here and this is where my lines are’ in a firm, assertive, loving way.  
We can also learn to welcome those who play out the role of our inner adversary for they ultimately challenge us to develop strength, courage, valiance, nobility and truthfulness.
After a good roar, the lion will lie down with the lamb.

3. It supports us to birth the new
The Big Bang of birth involves roaring - the roars of a woman during labour is the song which welcomes the roar of a newborn being into the world. The power of our roar, which is humming away in every one of our cells, gets things on the move.

4. Roaring enables Yes and No to be Loud and Understood
Roaring with passionate YES to life enables us to access our vitality to fully jump in -  paws, tail n all - and fully engage with the great adventure of life..
Roaring a clear NO enables us to to swish our tail and put a clear, clean end to that which no longer serves.

5. Its Fun!

4 Types of Roaring
1. Inner Roar
The power of our inner thoughts is tremendous, they actually have a inaudible sound vibration that is released into the atmosphere. So if caught in a spot where roaring audibly is not appropriate, allowing a deep, calm, inner roar to rise up from the belly and be acknowledged can reconnect us to our primal power source.  Roaring shifts our inner awareness and as a result we start RAdiating a new energy and giving out clearer signals.

2. Outer Roar in Private
Abstract roaring out of the context of a trigger situation can be a very helpful and healthy way to release pent-up emotions.  Like a sonic storm, having a big shake and roar can leave us feeling cleansed, having found a fresh perspective, and electrified with vitality.

3. Outer Roar in Public
Sometimes we need to roar in public - to stop a child running out into the street or the person who just swiped our bag.  We also need to roar in appreciation - to cheer on our team, our children, our beloveds - the word HooRAy has a roar inside it! :)

4. Outer Roar with Friends
Roaring with laughter is of course the most fun version, especially when practiced often with friends. 

Wishing you a ROARINGLY wonderful Summer
Looking forward to roaring with you

Ready to Roar???
Do join me at the special HEAR ME ROAR Workshop on 18th July
Discover the power of your natural voice in a special 121 Voice Garden session.


Mantra of the Month - RA
RA - is not only the sound we use to imitate lions but also the name of the Great Egyptian Sun God - and which means the Sun in Yogic traditions. So in that huge sound is contained the power throbbing at the heart of the Sun. In many traditions we find that AH is the the sound of the heart, so we activate and focus our big heartedness in RA.

To maximise your RA, work up to it by taking some big lazy lion yawns to soften your jaw, then standing tall, release your RA whilst taking your arms up and over you, fingers outstretched to widen the arc of your heart

Thursday, 13 June 2013

June Blog - The Power of Play

June Blog - The Power of Play

"Play is the highest form of research."
- Albert Einstein

I had the honour of teaching my annual Sound Healing module at the Holistic Healing College this month - (big shout out to all the wonderful therapists who joined me there!) - and one of the themes that emerged over the weekend was just how joyful, liberating and powerful it is to play.  So here’s a celebration of the power of play and the gifts it can bestow.

1. Play brings us into the present
Many of us fear being put ‘on the spot’ but actually when we are in the spotlight of our creative play, whether in public or privately, miracles start happening.  The moment of our curtain call summons forth the spark of our spontaneity, our unique creative genius - and the courage to follow it.  
Play brings us into the here and now, with what it is immediately in our hands and hearts.  Watch any child engaged in play and you will see a passionate enquiry which requires total absorption in the process of what is happening now.  Whilst there may be a vision of that which we wish to create (an album, a cake, a book) in play there is less preoccupation with an end product or result because the process of making it is so engaging.

2. Play takes us back to our Innocence
(Inner Sense)
When we play we become curious and observational.  In the fully engaged state we become fascinated by whatever occurs and our normal mental reasoning is suspended. We are released from the running commentary of our routine mind with its to-do lists, opinions and judgements.  We let go of social roles, models and inhibitions, inhabiting the space of our essence.  We learn to trust ourselves and our instincts and to let ourselves be.

3. Play liberates creative self-expression
In the being state, we begin creating and discovering. Our imagination is engaged, ideas, inspirations, concepts, perceptions and aha! moments follow.  We discover more about ourselves as we encounter each moment in the process, making creative choices.  It helps us understand that mis-takes are simply a necessary part of the process, which contribute to the richness of the process. This is immensely self-affirming and helps us release old stories about who we were told or think that we are.  The creative process enables us to take a healthy pleasure and delight in our unique self-expression.

4. Play connects us with people
Play dissolves barriers and encourages connection.  I have found so many times that introducing some spontaneous sounding creates friends out of strangers in groups within minutes.  There is a wonderful relief that enters a room (regardless of whether its tough teens, street gang kids or reserved adults) when we can drop the effort of ‘looking good’ ‘getting it right’ or ‘being cool’ and enter a playful, liberated and often very silly state together.   

5. Play helps us relax
Having fun is a direct route to relaxation.  The laughter, joy and delight that arise during play are immensely soothing and rejuvenating.  When we sing or soundplay together our brainwaves enter a more meditative state and our breathing becomes more rhythmic which can help release pain, tension and stress. We emerge from a creative, playful process with profound benefits, feeling refreshed and renewed.

I’d love to hear your stories and experiences of the power of play so do feel free to comment.  

Ready to Play with the Power of your voice?-  do join me in the Voice Garden this summer or at the Juicy Joyous Sound Events.

Looking forward to seeing and singing with you

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Super Sonic Summer Solstice

Super Sonic Summer Solstice
As we celebrate the longest, brightest days, take a moment to connect with your biggest, boldest vision for your life - what would it look like for you to be operating at your brightest? How would it be for you to be totally expressed in the world?  What would it take? What would you need to give up and/or amplify?

This month we look at Tips for Busting Fears about Singing and Speaking and work with our Mantra of the Month, the Gayatri Mantra - to expand our luminescence in the world and experience a truly Super Sonic Summer Solstice.

Tips from the Voice Garden - Grow Your Natural Voice

5 Steps to Busting Fears About Singing and Speaking
1. Make it About Them
Turning the spotlight off ourselves and onto our audience helps us remember that singing is actually a service, a communication and a transmission of energy.  It takes the self-consciousness away when we get clear about what it is we want to give.  We let go of being concerned about what sort of reception we will get and focus on gifting our audience with our committed, loving presence.

2. Tune Your Instrument
Just like any other instrument there are immediate physical actions you can take to make yourself fit to sing - breathing deeply being the first and foremost - which when done with intention will dissolve the biggest waves of fear.  Taking our attention to the breath allows us to Tune In to Deeper Listening FM - to the part of us that is Attuned to stillness and observation.  The witness within can watch the fearful part of us throwing a hissy fit with compassion and say ‘there now, it’s all ok’ -  all whilst taking one simple long deep breath.

3. De-clutter your Psyche
This means getting on the marigolds and cleaning out all your psychic cupboards and having a dance with all the old skeletons.  When we listen to the stories that are still humming within the very bones of us - ancestral, personal, collective tales - we can befriend them and start singing a new song.  Part of my journey involved making peace with the cripplingly shy part of me that I inherited from generations of very quiet people on one side of my family.  As I befriended and came to love the strength of silence, she began singing to me.

4. Transfer your strengths
Recall a time when you overcame a challenge nobly - the last time you helped a friend in trouble, saved a cat up a tree, climbed a mountain, ran a marathon, washed the dishes in record time.  Just thinking about it will make you feel strong and that that same energy, passion, determination and courage can be immediately recalled and applied in the moment of singing.  One lesson, at a time in my life where I was really enjoying giving Reiki treatments, my singing teacher said to me ‘sing as if you are giving Reiki.’  It completely transformed my singing because I could immediately align myself with powerful, calming energy and my positive experiences of Reiki and transfer it to my singing.

5. Sing everyday
Voice Gym is more fun than treadmills - you get to enjoy yourself and burn off calories singing your favourite songs. Choose a favourite song, mantra, chant, nursery rhyme, jingle and commit to singing it everyday, every which way and where you want to.

Ready to bust through some blocks to singing and speaking freely?
Do join me in the Voice Garden - unique 121 singing and sounding sessions to help you discover and celebrate the radiance of your natural voice

Ohm Bhu Bhur Bhyavassavah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Deemahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
We meditate on the glory of the divine light, illuminating the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds -  by our meditations may the beautiful, life enhancing light of creation enlighten, encourage and guide us.

This MP3 is 12 repetitions of the mantra. If you wish to sing 108 repetitions loop it 9 times! :) 

Meditation - can be done whilst sunbathing! :)  - align yourself with the solar energies of solstice by visualising a huge ball of golden sunshine in your solar plexus.  Reclaim your power from any situation, person or place you have given it away by imagining it returning to you in streams of pure golden energy.  Chant Om or any chosen solar powered mantra to whilst imagining a wonderful symbol of your choice sealing your solar plexus with golden light.

Mantra Medicine sessions - £27 for 30 mins - Skype
Find your musical mojo with a medicinal mantra session.
Mantra - means a tool of the mind in Sanskrit - and there are mantras to help us address every known issue in life - relationships, money, abundance, health. Drawing on many years experience of working with chant and mantra from global traditions, I will help you find the perfect mantra prescription to support you for the next 21 days.  No previous experience of singing or chanting required.
Please contact me to book a session.