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Saturday, 22 March 2014

Happy World Water Day

Happy World Water Day

Wishing you a very wonderful World Water Day and Spring Equinox
Celebrating the Magnificence of Water

Katie Rose's Big Busk for World Water Day
This is a virtual busk of the song Magnificence chosen by Sing for Water
for this years #BigBusk for WaterAid

To donate and receive a download of the song please visit

Donations will support WaterAid projects in Ghana bringing clean water, health education and sanitation to some of the world's poorest communities.

It only costs £15 to give one person access to clean water for life in the world's poorest communities.
Together we can support WaterAid's pledge to bring
Clean Water to
Everyone Everywhere by 2030.

For more information please visit


Wishing you a truly Magnificent World Water Day!

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Warning: Uplifting Singing Can Seriously Boost the Flow of Happiness to your Heart

How Singing Helps Our Hearts

Happiness Gym
Singing is a form of gentle exercise which encourages deep breathing, working the lung and heart muscles and oxygenating the blood supply.  Channeling our energy into musical expression allows us blow off steam. As a result we release stress, tension and pain.  Happy hormones (endorphins) are also emitted, boosting our energy levels.

Harmonising Hearts
Scientists have shown that the heart beats of singers in choirs start harmonising.  A deep sense of community and connection is created when we sing together.

Tuning the Heart Strings
Singing fine tunes our awareness of our own feelings allowing us to become more emotionally literate.  Moods lift, shift and transform and we learn to use our voices as an instrument.  Our listening for others becomes more finely attuned and we develop increased empathy.

The Hearth of the Heart
The creations of our heart are fired in its warm hearth. Heart is an anagram of earth demonstrating our warm connection to our planet.  Singing helps us come home and develop a sense of grounded presence.  Breathing deeply regulates our heartbeats enabling us to steady our natural rhythms.

Humming Memory
As stories after heart transplants testify, our hearts store memories - our loves, losses and longings are all held there.  Learning lyrics and melodies is great Brain Gym.  Our capacity to remember is amplified by the emotional investment we make when we sing full heartedly.  When we repeat uplifting creative experiences we are hardwiring a happiness mindset!

I’m launching a special HeartSong singing and sounding group on 21st April and warmly invite you to come and share in some Happy, Healthy, Heartfelt Harmonies.

Wishing you Love and Happiness this Spring

4 Tips for Happy HeartSong
* AAH - sing the sound of the heart
* Hum - tune into the sounds around you and hum along
* HAHAHA - practice loud Ha ha ha’s to get your heart pumping and belly laughing
* Listen - for the heartsongs and stories others share with you

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Unquantifiable You


Unquantifiable You
How valuing our unquantifiableness enables us to infuse quality into quantity

Measuring is very helpful
Quantifying things is very useful - it enables us to collect data, record growth, create products, build homes and extend our knowledge in all manner of essential subjects. We need to balance a sustainable use of quantity with a connection to the important qualities in life to ensure the happiness and wellbeing of ourselves and our planet.

When the tape measure runs out
We may be all the time attempting to ‘get the measure’ of things but in truth, there will always be unknown qualities in other people and in life.  We may be able to count our heartbeats, but the quality of a person's heart and their loving expression remains magnificently immeasurable. Love is still a quality not a quantity.

The numbers game
In the west we are conditioned to constantly measure ourselves - by weight, height, size, bank balance, grades, friends lists, medical checks - in order to attain a sense of identity and achievement.  Useful tools of practical measurement become conflated with our sense of self worth.  This leaves us constantly striving for the next notch on the psychological bed post and keeps us wired up to an economic matrix which is based in a grossly unequal distribution of wealth and resources.  The numbers game makes everyone susceptible to the bottomless desire for outside approval - as children we learn that if we jump through enough hoops we will get 5 gold stars. This vulnerability leads people to blindly follow political dictators or religious leaders to extremes such as suicide bombers blowing themselves up to gain heavenly approbation.

Re-tuning goals
Each one of us has to ask ourselves, What do I really want? Do I really want to be Number One? Or do I want to be happy? If you want success, you may sacrifice your happiness for it. You can become a victim of success, but you can never become a victim of happiness. Thich Nhat Hanh
Whilst reaching our goals is very important for creating a sense of personal achievement, we cannot buy self worth.  Try as we might, getting skinnied, monied, propertied or married will not fill the gaps in our self esteem. When we trade quality for quantity we end up wearing the Emperor’s New Clothes.  The too frequent stories of highly talented people ending up in rehab or taking their own lives testifies that getting to the top of the numbers game does not always make for a happy ending. Truly successful, inspirational leaders urge us to stay tuned to core qualities and to work towards a better quality of life for everyone.  Reflecting on our motivations and fine tuning our inner radar enables us to ensure that our goals are truly aligned to creating happiness and wellbeing.

Staying tuned to your innate unquantifiable quality
As some of the best loved songs have reminded us the best things in life are free, all you need is love and its not about the pricetag.  Staying tuned to our inner wealth enable us to act from a place of fullness.  Everyone has their own way of tuning in to a sense of unquantifiable happiness - as Pharrell Williams 24 hour film of gloriously diverse Happy dancers demonstrates.  Singing has always connected me to a sense of vast magnificence far beyond anything I can measure with a ruler.  Our voice is one of many innate, natural gifts we have which costs absolutely nothing to use yet can bring endless quality and value to our lives.  Everyone deserves to experience the true wealth of knowing that they are unquantifiably magnificent and beautiful beyond measure.  From this great resource springs abundant manifestations of prosperous, peaceful, loving, creative, self-expression and respect for the precious resources within others and our planet. 

Wishing you glorious delight in your immeasurable magnificence

4 Tips for Staying Tuned to Quality
1.  List 10 qualities which are most important to you
2.  Clear some clutter - release/ recycle any quantity which is no longer providing quality.
3. List 5 Activities that help you tune into your own sense of innate happiness
4. Schedule quality time in your diary for yourself and your beloveds.