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Monday, 7 December 2015

Midwinter Musical Gift

Midwinter Musical Gift

Dear Friend

Wishing You All A Very Magical Midwinter

It hasn’t snowed here yet, but here’s my take on an
enchanting snowy song of yesteryear as a midwinter gift
click here to listen and watch

I’d also love to invite you to join us at a very special Midwinter Peace event,
A Gift of Peace
at St Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace and Reconciliation on 21st December.
Details follow below.

With seasonal songs and sounds for a peaceful midwinter

A Gift of Peace
A Special Midwinter Peace Event
Now more than ever there is an urgent need to create peace in our lives.
To do this we need to nurture peace within ourselves first, so that our actions become less destructive and more altruistic, which in turn creates more happiness. And as we develop ways to develop inner peace, we also learn ways to cope with the external chaos in the world.

FILM - A Screening of Road To Peace
A film about the Dalai Lama and his powerful message of peace
- presented by Director Leon Stuparich
This award-winning film embarks on an extraordinary journey with one of the most celebrated humanitarians of all time, the Dalai Lama of Tibet, sharing a radical vision of how we can create lasting peace within ourselves and on a global level.
Click here for Trailer

MUSIC - Songs for Peace - Raise Your Voice with Katie Rose
Katie loves singing and helping people sing - she believes that singing together is a medium for making peace within ourselves and each others. She has composed three albums and composed a piece for Road to Peace, Love and Compassion
More info at The Rose Window - www.therosewindow.org

DIALOGUE, PANEL & Q&A - How do we create inner-peace
and learn ways to cope with the chaos in the world?
Featuring a panel of special guests including
* Leon Stuparich, Director of Road to Peace,
* Dr Sheikh Ramzy -  Imam, Director of Iqra Islamic institute, Peace Ambassador for Universal Peace Federation, Member of UN association, Chair of Ed Com Muslim Council of Britain,
* Wallee McDonnell of Celebrate Life Events.
Other special guests TBA

Join us to learn how we can all create a more peaceful environment within ourselves,
our homes and in our wider community.

Monday 21st December, 3-6pm
St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG
Tickets £10/ £5 concessions

Tickets available from Eventbrite