Acts of Creative Rebellion

Fireworks at Crystal Palace - Photo Fluid4Sight
Necessary Rebellion
Nothing is more necessary or stronger in us than rebellion. - George Bataille
To grow we need to continually rebel - whether that's the new generation against the old or the internal dynamic of overcoming our inhibitions. In this month where we light fires and launch fireworks in remembrance of a daring act of rebellion, we are seeing a great rebellion against oppressive patriarchal abuses of women. Jo Brand just courageously addressed a panel of men on Have I Got News For You and the #MeToo campaign following the revelations around Harvey Weinstein has released an outpouring of voices calling out sexual abuse and harassment. This is an absolutely essential rebellion - one that must continue daily as we call out and challenge centuries of patriarchal conditioning. So here's a few thoughts in celebration of Creative Rebellion for this month...
Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. - Banksy
Risk taking is at the core of rebellion which invites us beyond the comfort zone into vibrant, vital, authenticity - life lived in the quick of the present from the heart of our deepest longings, passions and convictions. I am often asked to lead singing groups in large institutions where hierarchy, bureaucracy and politics are often at odds with our humanity. Singing together immediately restores a sense of human connection as we breathe and raise our voices together. It requires us to take the risk of being vulnerable through creative expression - we have to let our guard down to allow our voices to rise up. As we open up to the power of our creativity, we experience a confidence-boosting salve in disturbing times and spaces. Isolated individuals become knitted together in a supportive creative eco-system - and this act of rebellion against divisive, dehumanising social conditioning can lead to cultural change - the enormous growth of choirs in healthcare, workplace and community settings is now being backed by government led research. Rebellion Raises The Game
Poetry is the lifeblood of rebellion, revolution, and the raising of consciousness.
- Alice Walker
One of the poems I love and return to repeatedly is Maya Angelou's poem And Still I Rise. Every time I read it, my spirit rises. It acknowledges centuries of suffering whilst commanding us to rise above feelings of 'victimhood,' imbuing a vital, empowered state of mind. Creative acts of rebellion such as this incredible poem make us step up, stand up, turn up for ourselves and for others in powerful, meaningful ways.- Alice Walker
Rebellion Roars with the Voice of Courage
Real courage is risking something that might force you to rethink your thoughts and suffer change and stretch consciousness. Real courage is risking one's clichés. - Tom Robbins
A recent Miss Peru Pageant challenged the cliches of the beauty industry when instead of stating their body measurements, models listed statistics about violence against women. They immediately changed up the meaning of 'vital statistics', clearly demonstrating that it's not about waist measurements, it's about respect and safety for women in Peru and everywhere. It takes courage to refuse to conform and to insist on living from the healthy, vibrant creativity that gives rise to our unique contribution in life. It takes that one deep breath to raise your voice for that which makes your heart sing.
Wishing you a radically rebellious November
Wishing you a radically rebellious November

At Croydon Composers - Photo with thanks to Fluid4Sight