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The Voice of Activism 🎶🌹
On this month's Vocal Revolution Zoomcast (video below - also now available on Apple Podcasts - yay!)
Tom Morley and I talked about activating the inner rockstar and making a generous contribution to the world.
Drummer and founding member of Scritti Politti, Tom has earned the title of Rockstar Activator for helping people get out of their boxes through music at events, workshops, keynotes, retreats and conferences.
Here's my reflections from our conversation - we'd love to hear yours!
1. Self LiberationIt’s all about permission - Tom MorleyActivism is motivated by our deepest held values, convictions, beliefs and purpose. It starts as an inside job - as Caroline Caldwell says,
'in a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act.' The first task is to love and liberate ourselves and our voices. In our Zoomcast, Tom speaks about how we liberate our 'wild twin' from the shackles of social conditioning and judgement, so that we can really come to the party of life. As we give ourselves permission, we give others permission, becoming a force for change.
2. Making a Generous ContributionGenerosity of spirit has a kind of rolling energy to it, so you create more generosity in yourself and you allow others to be generous around you... Tom MorleyChange happens in a wave like motion, just like the movement of sound through air. Being activated by what touches, inspires or pains us, sends ripples out into the world which reaches and connects with others in resonance. Giving generously from a sense of our interconnectedness - as expressed by the principle of Ubuntu -
I am because you are - builds momentum for change.
3. Lead from where you are nowSeize the day, don’t wait till you’ve done that extra workshop or read that extra book or talked to your coach, who’s the leader in this house? – you’re the leader! - Tom MorleyActivism rarely comes out of having the perfect conditions, resources or qualifications - it occurs as response to a big question, challenge, issue where things are very far from perfect. It requires take a leap of faith and belief that change is possible - even if not in our lifetime, but for future generations.
This weekend choir members have been taking part in the
RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch (29th Jan-19th Feb) to help provide vital information for conservationists. Also this weekend, friends from the
Women's Equality Party held an online rally and flooded Twitter with the hashtag #HomeSchooled to highlight the impact of the pandemic on parents and Early Years workers. Also this weekend heroic activist Marcus Rashford, spoke out against the racist abuse he receives, prompting calls to address hate speech on social media.
Right now, we all have to be our own heroes and leaders to get through each day and support each other - whether it's fundraising for our heroic frontline workers, contributing to our local foodbank, homeschooling our children and checking on our neighbours.
We don't have to be perfect, we just need to give ourselves permission to speak up and stand up for what we believe in.
So let's all follow those calls of our heart to share bold, brave, beautiful actions in the world.One of my actions for February is to invite you to a
Food of Love, Fundraising Feast of Poetry and Song - see aboveDo let me know if you'd like to come to this or any other singing thing
- I'd love to see and sing with you virtually.
Wishing you powerful, loving activism this February
Be well, be safe, breathe deep, sing loudly
Lots of love, virtual hugs and good singing vibes

Come and share the singing love on Social Media