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Sunday, 31 October 2021

🌹 🎶Mapping Your Creative Process 🎶🌹

🌹 🎶Mapping Your Creative Process ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹

Creativity is a magical, organic process found in every living thing and every aspect of life. It’s not just for artists - every time we dream up an idea for a business, charity, product, event, speech, class or recipe we’re being creative.


As anyone who hangs out with kids will know, it’s innate within us to dream things up and want to make them happen with a wave of our magic wands – Abracadabra!


Creating can also feel scary because it requires a step into the unknown… and on any great adventure there are monsters to face as well as treasures to find.  So having a map can come in handy.  

Having recently been invited to share my seasons and stages of creativity on Creative Year Conversation with Anna Sayburn LaneI offer this map to prompt reflection on your own explorations, with the understanding that no map is definitive – creativity is a vast, ever-changing process with multiple pathways.

Seven Stages of Creativity

Rather than a linear set of stepping-stones, I see these seven stages continuously cycle through the creative process.  

1. The Spark!

AHA moments appear to come from nowhere, but inspiration is everywhere.   We just need to make space to listen – so if you know you get your best ideas in the bath, after a nap or when you’re out in nature, build those into your routine and keep a notebook handy to catch the sparks!  Inspiration lights our way throughout the creative process, sparking left-field solutions and innovations.

2. Exploration

Once captivated by an idea, we begin playfully experimenting and exploring.  ‘Where could this lead?’ - the sky’s the limit and there are so many intriguing possibilities. Following our noses and hunches, we start researching, developing and messing about with the idea, clarifying our direction.

3. Commitment

Crunch time comes when we decide to commit to this idea and follow it through to completion.  It’s important to clarify WHY this project aligns with your values and how it can serve others.

Announcing your big idea at this point to friends/ colleagues or your intended audience is one way to ensure you will follow through!  Keeping an Ideas Book can help park other distracting ideas.


4. Grounding

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and dig into the WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN HOW of bringing our idea from the realms of imagination into reality.

·      WHO will I collaborate with?

·      WHAT tools will I need?

·      WHERE will it happen?

·      WHEN am I intending to finish this? It can be helpful to plot a timeline backwards from completion, identifying key steps along the way.

·      HOW will it get done? – how much time/ resources are required daily / weekly/ monthly.

This is where all the hard work gets done, so it's important to keep cheering ourselves on and celebrating milestones with friends.

5. Chaos

Just as every treasure is guarded by a dragon, every creative process includes a messy stage where anything and everything can happen including;

·      EXTERNAL OBSTACLES – breakdowns, delays, fallouts, mistakes.

·      INTERNAL OBSTACLES – self-doubt, imposter syndrome, boredom, resistance.

Challenges test our commitment - we find ourselves thinking "why the hell did I start this - I must have been mad?!" - so holding tight to our WHY can help us stay the course.

Chaos contains wisdom - there may be an important message, edit or redirection to attend to. Staying open, trusting in the process and keeping a sense of humour is essential!   

6. Completion

We can breathe a huge sigh of relief - Hooray! – our project is finally complete! Things that can help us across the finish line include:

  1. Accountability - make your deadline non-negotiable – invite everyone in advance to the launch party. This helps draw a line under the compulsion to endlessly edit.
  2. Reward – to counter any fears around endings, keep revisiting your WHY, visualise a fantastic end result and plan a celebratory treat.
  3. Celebrate with your supporters - victory dance with your dog (and post it on social media!) 

7. Sharing

Curtains Up! – it’s time to share our creativity with the world.

This can trigger knee-knocking fears of failure and rejection, as we take a deep breath, jump over the edge and fly!  Building a strong support system will ensure we aren’t just pitching out in the dark.

Magic happens when we bravely share our creative contribution with the world.  It’s so moving and often surprising to see how our work can touch people – definitely a cause for joyful celebration!

Life-Changing Creativity

Creativity calls us to be moved by inspiration to explore, commit, put in the groundwork, weather the chaos, follow through to completion and generously share our work. It’s a transforming process, which I believe grows us as people and helps our world grow.


Over to You…

·      Do you recognise any of these stages?

·      Do any of these stages particularly resonate with where you are now?

·      What are your own stages of creativity – can you map, write, draw them?

·      For further reflection on the Seasons of Creativity, do visit Anna Sayburn Lane’s Creative Year Conversations.

·      You can also sign up to receive my monthly newsletter packed full of music, insight, poetry and podcasts about vocal creativity.

Sunday, 3 October 2021

🌹🎶Trust Yourself 🎶🌹

Dear Friend

Hope you are keeping safe, sound and singing whenever possible! 
Here in London falling leaves and temperatures indicate autumn is upon us.  As we navigate continued crises accompanied by the mad cacophony of sound and fury blaring from every media outlet, it's essential that we each still down and tune into our inner voice, and trust our creative instincts.  Personally I love the squirrel season of Autumn, it's a time to make and collect treasure to warm and light the shortening days, trusting that our creative spirit can guide us through.

🌹 🎶October News  ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
There's much treasure to be squirrelled from this month's invitations and reflections including:
Trust Yourself - reflections from Vocal Revolution Podcast Ep 12
The Voice of Song Theatre with Helen Chadwick
* Sing for Water Thankyou - big thanks to everyone who came along to our 20th Anniversary event
Singers Salon - Coming Soon - A Song in a Day!   
One Day Workshop - shine up and perform a song you know and love in a safe, supportive group of 6-8 singers- do let me know if you'd be interested.
* Choirs - all my choirs are now back in person yay! - all welcome to come and sing! :) 
* Writing - On a more sober note, I've written a post in response to recent horrific events Addressing Male Violence Against Women - what might help? - my heart goes out to all the women impacted and their devastated families.

🌹🎶Trust Yourself ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹ 
Trust yourself... if you've got an idea about this song is working, this song isn't working.... you will know...  Helen Chadwick
In the latest episode Helen Chadwick
Composer, Singer, Song-Theatre Creator shares insights and stories from her wealth of experience creating innovative song-theatre and projects including mass choral fundraiser Sing for Water.  Helen's great gift is to bring a lightness of touch to sharing profound stories and issues through the magic of song. A theme which runs throughout our discussion, is the depth of the trust she has in her collaborators. and also the creative process. Saying 'no idea is too small', she encourages trust in the initial sparks of inspiration and the continual experimentation and refining of creating work.

Sing for Water 20th Anniversary
It's a wonderful experience and the fact that it means something, that it gives each person a sense that they're doing something of value in the world
- Helen Chadwick

Helen shares her reflections on 20 years of Sing for Water, which has raised over £1.2 million for WaterAid projects bringing clean water to some of the world's poorest communities. Now a national and international movement with many regional leaders, she talks about how allowing people to make an idea their own, gives it space it to flourish and grow organically.  
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us at the Scoop for a sunny morning rehearsal and a very watery concert - it was so amazing to be together - come rain, shine or pandemic - video below!

music is magical...

Listening to Helen speak about her innovative performances really inspires me about the magical possibilities of music, how deeply validating and affirming it can be when we share stories and make a difference through song. Trusting ourselves and in the magic of music allows us to listen for our creative callings, hunches, ideas and give them space to flourish.

For bringing your unique voice and magic to the world and for staying tuned!
Wishing you a much happy squirrelling -
may you find much singing treasure this October

🌹 🎶 Be well, be safe, breathe deep, sing loudly 
Lots of good autumnal singing vibes

Vocal Revolution Ep 12 - The Voice of Song Theatre with Helen Chadwick
"Trust yourself" - Helen shares insights and stories from her wealth of experience creating innovative song-theatre and projects including mass choral fundraiser Sing for Water. - helenchadwick.com
🌹 🎶 Flame - Promo by Now Croydon ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹ 
Huge thanks to Tim Longhurst of Now Croydon for this wonderful gift promo for Flame who says: "Been enjoying the beautiful album Flame from the amazing Katie Rose. Passion, pain and pathos. A wonderful listen. You have a phenomenal voice and range and the lyrics were just perfect. I enjoyed it immensely."
Now Croydon - the what's on calendar & news hub for Croydon and the local area.
Album available to download at 

🌹 🎶Singers Salons
Helping Vocalists Sing & Shine!
These special courses are designed to help you to polish and add some sparkle to your singing skillset - so you can come out shining - whether that's on a stage, in your choir or just in the shower. 
Small groups guarantee time and space for you to ask questions, experiment creatively and explore your voice in a safe space.  

Coming Soon
A Song in a Day!
One Day Workshop - shine up and perform a song you know and love in a safe, supportive group of 6-8 singers -  do let me know if you're ready to sing and shine!

🌹 🎶Creative Coaching
Claim the Power, Joy & Magic of Your Voice 
Bespoke 121 coaching to liberate your amazing voice
Public Speaking is our No 1 fear
, studies show, above death!  It's completely understandable to get the collywobbles and it's completely possible to enjoy the magic of joyful, empowered singing and speaking.
Tailored to your unique voice and goals... whether you want to give a kickass wedding song/ speech, feel fabulous giving presentations or sing so well in the shower that your neighbours bring you flowers, coaching will support you to meet your goals and deliver with confidence. - Book a consultation

🌹 ðŸŽ¶ October Singing  ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Choirs enjoying the magic of singing indoors, outdoors and online!
Ready to sing or have choir questions? Drop me a line!
Big Sing for Water Thank you!
So grateful to all the courageous singers and supportive audience who braved the rain for our Sing for Water 20th Anniversary event in aid of WaterAid.
Big thanks to Yasmin Hashmi for this video of Beyond the Sea from amidst the choir! 
There are lots more clips on our Sing for Water Facebook Page.

Can you help my Welcome Choir hit £1000?
- we are so nearly there - all donations gratefully received!
🌹 🎶Welcome Choir ðŸŒ¹ 🎶
Thursdays 7-8.30pm 
We're so happy to be back singing in the airy spacious hall at St John the Evangelist, Upper Norwood
We've been celebrating Harvest the Welcome Choir way over September!:) 

"It's the highlight of my week"- Zuleika

We'd love to sing with you! 
Click here for more info

🌹 🎶Hive Community Choir 
The Hive is a free weekly drop in lunch and social run at St John the Evangelist on Wednesdays. 
Enjoy a warm meal 1-2pm,
sing-song around the piano 2-3pm. 

Choir Dates: Wednesdays 2-3pm
October 6th & 20th
November 3rd & 17th
December 1st & 8th

During October we will celebrate Black History Month and be joined by special guest facilitator Muna (Marcia) Escoffery on 20th October.
During December we will learn 2 carols ready for the London Mozart Players Concert on 10th December and be joined by 2 special guest LMP Players on 8th December. 
Find us on Facebook

🌹 ðŸŽ¶Singing for Wellbeing  ðŸŽ¶ðŸŒ¹
Finally all choirs are now back in person - HeartSong and The Carers Support Centre Choir met in person for the first time since early 2020!