Dear Friend🌹 🎶
Make Music Not War🎶🌹
Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife - Khalil GibranSince I last wrote the world has turned upside down, the tragic madness of war unfolds in front of our eyes and it can seem that we are powerless to stop it.
However, across the world, people are raising their voices for peace in brave, courageous and creative ways.
No one wins in war, only peace can win.
To this end we pledge our hearts and voices, singing, chanting, calling, praying, meditating, longing for peace - not only in Ukraine but in all areas of conflict - whether thousands of miles away, down the street or within ourselves.
🌹 🎶
Make Peace Not War 🎶🌹
Declare it. Just the same way we declare war. That is how we will have peace… we just need to declare it. - John Lennon🌹
Peace with self - challenging times require us to step-up our self-care and anchor into daily practices that support our inner peace - be that exercise, meditation, good food, time in nature, phone a friend...
Peace in action -
Thich Naht Hanh, Vietnamese monk and activist who passed earlier this year said
When bombs begin to fall on people, you cannot stay in the meditation hall all the time. Meditation is about the awareness of what is going on — not only in your body and in your feelings, but all around you.We can channel our feelings of anxiety, anger, despair into action -
here are
25 meaningful ways you can help Ukraine Our daily actions, such as singing, help send good vibes out into the world!
Peace with people of all genders, orientations, abilities, cultures and creeds - Music can be a powerful tool to help us form friendships and connections with those we have been conditioned to view as 'other.' Opening our social circles, hearts and minds, enables us to grow (and sing!) together.
Peace for the planet - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania became independent as the result of a non-violent movement known as the
Singing Revolution. The conflict in Ukraine has stirred a global chorus for peace which has the revolutionary power, passion and purpose to provoke us all to reflect deeply on
what we can each do to create a more peaceful world.
As we contemplate the revolutionary power of our voices, I'm delighted to share my latest podcast with Randolph Matthews: