Collective Connective Pride "There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." - Margaret J Wheatley, American Author, Educator, Speaker Just as prides of lionnesses hunt and raise their young together, in purposeful groups we can build collaborative, collective pride which ripples out in creative, connective contribution. Raising a multitude of rainbow voices and born after the Stonewall riots in 1970, Pride marches now take place in 102 countries often in the face of persecution - homosexuality is criminalized in 64 countries. Sharing powerful messages of inclusivity, tolerance and empowered self-expression, Pride is a proud party and a powerful protest, pioneering a glorious celebration of rainbow diversity. Building Collective Pride: what simple positive action can you take today to contribute to a group, community or another person? Roaring Pride "I am proud to have played a part in clearing that path for women of the next generation - and the next," - Tina Turner RAH! Lions have a special set of vocal anatomy - instead of triangular folds they have large, flat, square thick folds which convert lung power to roar power. It's hard to imagine a lion worrying about being too big or too loud - roaring is just what they do, they were built for it. We too are built as sounding beings and we can look to the fearless lion/esses in our midst for inspiration. Roaring Pride: warm up into your roar by yawning, stretching and sliding your voice then give it a go! RAAAHHH! |