Dear Friend🌹🎶 Feeling the Singing Love this February 🎶🌹How are you feeling this February dear friend?Here in London February feels predominantly cold, grey and damp,
with occasional precious bursts of sunshine. Winter lurgies abound and there's frightening things afoot in the world.
So it's quite a task some days to feel the love,
but I am doing my best to stay focussed on 3 important F's...
Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. - Anais NinMy friends are my family of choice. They are the bright diamonds in my sky, the ones who talk and walk, laugh and cry alongside me on this crazy life ride. I can own my failings and celebrate my wins with my friends as we challenge and champion each other to be the best we can be. As an artist, my friends are courageous companions who go over the creative edge with me. Ever-changing, there are friends for reasons and seasons, friends who come and go like shooting stars, and long-haul friends who set up camp and stay put however tough the tough gets going. No matter how short, bumpy or far the distance travelled, friendships are precious.
FUN ❤️
Life is a hard battle anyway. If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life's light to be determined by the darkness around me. - Sojourner TruthTimes of serious strife call for a serious amount of fun. In a world full of challenge, joy is a powerful form of resilience and resistance. The word resilience comes from the Latin
re - back +
salire - to jump /leap, so it's literally our ability to bounce back. Our Tigger factor gets a big boost whenever we play, have fun and enjoy ourselves - we lighten life's load and rejuvenate our energies. Left-field solutions emerge when we allow 'playtime' to free up
creative bandwidth and spark imagination.
Focus on what lights a fire inside of you and use that passion to fill a white space. Don't be afraid of the challenges, the missteps, and the setbacks along the way. What matters is that you keep going. - Kendra ScottWhen sunlight and warmth are scarce, stoking the inner creative fires is essential - staying tuned to that which warms the heart, keeps the body vital and ignites the creative spirit. A dynamic force at the core of us, our creativity fuels strength and momentum. In a digital world, I find it's the simple magical moments that can fire inspiration, like a flash of a burnt orange fox tail flickering under the frosty moonlight. My love of singing - that simple joy of breathing and making sound
- puts a fire under my a** !? catalysing growth and change.
Firing up creatively keeps us fit, strong and
free to sing our song, stand our ground and make our living breathing contribution to this mad world.
So may we rise to meet the challenges of these times, hearts blazing with the resilience-boosting friendship, fun and fire of shared song.
🌹🎶 February Fun 🎶 🌹
Singing Our Way to Spring in Choirs
All aboard the love train - we're headed towards brighter days.
HeartSong - Happy Hearty Singing in Herts! 
Harmonious singing workshops in Letchworth.
Vocal Revolution Coaching 
Befriend and fire up your voice and creative mission with fun 121 sessions.
Valentine's Day Announcement 
Stay tuned on socials for musical news!