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Friday, 29 July 2011

Auspicious August

I've just discovered that the word Auspicious comes from the practice of reading omens (auspices) from the flight patterns of birds - as practiced by the Romans and no doubt many other cultures - a friend of mine in Turkey watches the birds to forecast the weather. Apparently, the twin founders of Rome - Romulus and Remus - had a fight about where the best spot for taking auspices were, which just goes to show that the perception of good luck really does depend on where you are standing. One person's lucky spot might be another person's electric chair. With the right vantage point, we can find and celebrate the auspiciousness of everything that happens in our lives, what it augments for us. Aug - means to increase and prosper - and so often I have found that to grow and prosper often involves the taking of a fresh perspective. This month, when many are at festivals, retreats, camps or holidays offers to opportunity to explore different vantage points and to re-chart our flight paths.

July was a wonderful month. For me one of the highlights was going to Bath RNID where I was honoured to have a wonderful time sharing sounds with people with hearing loss. It really was a truly touching experience which once more confirmed for me the profound power of sound vibration. It was also a real pleasure to play and sing with Babies and their carers at the taster Blissful Babybuds session - watch this space for a course in September - some of the lovley little 'uns who joined me there made our Full Moon Kirtan at the Yogi Tree a lovely experience. The Garden of Roses was graced this month by wonderful devotional song and sounds from Narayani, Camilo Tirado, Alexander Honeymann and Lucy Crisfield. Thanks to all the Joyful July singers who joined in all these events.
If you're still in town join me and the wonderful chanters at Triyoga Primrose Hill and Evolve for some early August Kirtans.
I will be on retreat mid August - so there will be No Garden of Roses or Yogi Tree Kirtan this month - and I looking forward to closing the month with a summer celebration at Tribal Earth.
Finally I'd love to invite you to visit my Just Giving Page to find out about Sing for Water as part of the Thames Festival this September - http://www.justgiving.com/KatieRose

Wishing you an Auspicious Augmentation of August Blessings! xxx

May our ears listen to nothing but auspicious words, may our eyes see nothing but auspicious things, may we have healthy bodies and be blessed with long life. - Rig Veda

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