✬ Solstice Blog ✬
Wishing you all a Truly Wonderful Solstice,
Christmas, Yule, Hannukkah, Ashura, Bodhi Day
and whatever else you feel like celebrating this festive season.
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With Love and Gratitude for All that You are and
All that You Share in the World.
Whilst working in Austria at the beginning of the month,
I found myself humming the carols Oh Christmas Tree and also Silent Night.
Both of which, it turns out, were composed in German - O Tannenbaum in 1824 by German organist and composer Ernst Gebhard Anschütz and
Stille Nacht in 1818 by Austrian priest Joseph Mohr and headmaster Franz Xaber Gruber.
I am sure the Austrian Tannenbaums like being sung to, and they certainly inspired me.
the crass commercialism, potential pitfalls and family fallouts that
can occur around the festive season,
I personally feel that a little bit
of winter spice can be nice and having a big party at the darkest time
of the year can be a very good thing
and can bring about alot of sparkly
surprises. Not to mention a few miseltoe kisses.
was deeply touched by the enthusiasm and outpouring of creativity at
Christmas in Austria,
and an Austrian friend told me that every night in
the Austrian Advent is a singing night.
This sounds like a very healthy
and harmonious habit to keep, not just at advent.
wonder what would happen if we all wrote to all the big chains and
superstores and told them we would like Christmas to start on 1st
December instead of October.
I wonder what would happen if we sang to our Tannenbaums instead of cutting them down.
wonder what would happen if we remembered just how precious life is and
cherished each other whilst also accepting that we will often drive
each other crackers.
wonder what would happen if we all agreed to stop running around buying
stuff and simply made time to slow down, eat together and share the
songs and stories of our lives.
These dark days are meant for reflection and letting go,
before the light of a new year appears twinkling on the horizon.
I wish you a safe voyage through the deep and the discovery of many beautiful treasures.
With love and laughter
If you would like to come and sing your way through the festive season, do join me at:
21st Dec - Women's Anarchic Nuisance Cafe Solstice Party
Theme: Activisms of Imagination: fancy dress - gatekeepers and mythical beasts.
by Naomi Natural Mystic Bhajans, Faye Pattenz & Katie Rose,
Performances by Lazlo Pearlman and Angel.
7-11.30. The Boys Club, 68
Boleyn Road, Dalston. £3 suggested donation.
Come onboard the Sonic Spaceship and sing and dance your way into 2012
31st Dec - 1st Jan - Into 2012 - 5 Rhythms Dance & Kirtan -
with Tim Broughton, Nikki Slade & Alive Musicians
Kew Community Centre, St. Luke's Church, The Avenue, Kew, TW9 2AJ
- 8.30pm- 1am, £25/£20
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