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Saturday, 17 December 2011

✬ December News 
In these last darkest days of 2011, as we move towards the celebration of the light's return at Solstice, I feel as though I am looking at the glowing embers of an immense year. There are joyful memories still flickering in the fire and the sparks of challenges and creative projects that have yet to burst into flame. These last few weeks of the year is accompanied by a Mercury Retrograde which is always a confounder of plans and technology and a prompt to reflect and clarify all communications and intentions. It is time to listen for what and who is stepping over the threshold into 2012 with us. The Occupy Movement is one of the Olympian torches being carried forward, inspiring us all to take a stand for a new way of being. The first space to Occupy, is the heart - and sometimes there are old wounds, griefs and ghosts that have to be healed and evicted before we can fully feel at home. Releasing laments allows us to inhabit joy more fully and to occupy our space and purpose in the world more fully. 
✬ December Events 
 The Global Harmony Ceremony on 11.11.11 at the Mind Body Spirit Winter Festival was truly extraordinary- the waves of love released continue to ripple - available to watch on Sounds Orange.
The waves are rising for World Water Day - March 22nd 2012 - The Ocean of Song - in support of Water Aid - London choirs and performers are confirming for this wonderful event in support of Water Aid- More details very soon! 
You are all warmly invited to Sounds of Harmony on December 3rd a workshop and concert with Tim Wheater & friends at Haslemere Museum, Surrey - it's going to be exquisite! 
I am delighted to be returning to Best of Spirits, Austria - where I will be giving individual sessions and seminars from 6th-11th December - http://www.bestofspirits.at
A huge Garden of Roses bouquet of thanks to Benjamin Brelain and Robin Baldock for a wonderful evening of mystical sounds in November. 
Please join us for a Great Big Rosy Solstice Love-Up featuring poetry from Andrew Marstrand and dancing with Cate Mackenzie & The Love Fairies on December 13th. 
I will also be joining in sonic festive Celebrations with Nikki Slade and at the Women's Anarchic Nuisance Cafe - looking forward to celebrating with you all. 

Wishing you a Festive Occupation of the Heart - with love ktxxxx

If you are not too large for the space you occupy, you are too small for it - James A.Garfield 

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