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Sunday, 1 January 2012

January News - Happy New Year 2012

Happy New Year 2012
2012 is the year of the Dragon, beautiful creature of flame and flight, inspiring us to ignite our highest ideals and take to our wings.  Unlike patriarchal myths where dragons are sources of terror which are hunted and slain, in Eastern traditions the dragon is a highly auspicious bringer of luck, prosperity and protection.  When we reclaim our inner dragons from the realms of nightmares, they reveal themselves to be angels with tails and the guardians of our inner treasures.  Befriending the swirling, fiery energy of adventure within us enables us to to write, paint, dance and sing our story in beautiful, bold swirling calligraphy on life's canvas.

January Events
It has been a truly heavenly festive celebration this year - chanting with Nikki Slade and friends, celebrating at the Womens Anarchic Nuisance Cafe and precious family times.
Thanks to all who joined us at the Big Rosy Solstice Love-Up featuring the God of Poetry Andrew Marstrand and the Queen of Christmas, Cate Mackenzie & The Love Fairies. 
There will be more Love Fairy fun and dancing at The Kabaret of Kitsch at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern on January 12th, 8.30-11pm.
I am absolutely delighted to be supporting The False Beards at The Green Note on January 8th, the first of the fROOTs live music nights of the year and would love to see you there.
I'm also honored to be facilitating this year's Sound Healing Module at The Holistic Healing College.
Inspiral Lounge will be humming with Jubilant Jazz from Faye Patton, Caroline Ophis in the Garden on January 10th.
There will also be a very special Barefoot Doctor & Leakster event to bring in the Dragon on 22nd January.The waves are rising for World Water Day - March 22nd 2012 - The Ocean of Song - in support of Water Aid - More details very soon!
Wishing you infinite blessings for a truly wonderful ride into 2012
on the wings of the dragon, love katiexx

It does not do to leave a dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him - J.R.R. Tolkein

1 comment:

  1. Andrew Marstrand3 January 2012 at 22:14

    It is totally ace to be described as the God of Poetry! Thank you Katie and Happy Dragon Year from a dragon year baby! Andrew Xx
