Wishing You a
Super Sizzling Solstice
are all innately magical, creative beings. It’s just that sometimes we
forget. So here are some of the reminders I have received which I
share with you with deep respect for the radiant contribution you make
in the world.
Beautiful Breathing
I am greatly honoured to be leading Singing for Breathing sessions at the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals this term and have been immensely touched and inspired by hearing the beautiful voices and stories of patients with pulmonary and cardiac issues.
So often we forget what amazing tool for transformation our own breath cycle is. Difficult emotions, states of unrest, pain and tension are all alleviated by simply slowing the breath. Breathing with connection to our tummy muscles counters the shallow breathing associated with anxious states. Releasing a long breath to an increasing count or whilst sounding SSSS or SSSHHH encourages beautiful, billowing breath.
Mental Magic
We all have the capacity to take command of our thoughts. A mantra (meaning tool of the mind in Sanskrit) is an intention, invocation or affirmation which enables us to still and centre ourselves. Spiritual traditions of all shapes and sizes have used them for centuries - even footballers chant them. Whether it’s the Gayatri Mantra or The Sun Has Got His Hat On, intentional sounding of your chosen song, chant or affirmation clears and brightens the mind.
Dance into Delight
Whether its dancing around the lounge, yoga, pilates, moshing or strictly ballroom, movement is medicine. Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy has researched the power of body language and demonstrated that ‘power posing’ significantly alters our brain chemistry and hardwires us for success. Expanding beyond our habitual body language and patterns of movement enables us to access new behaviours, sensations and interactions. Movement brings our visions into action, grounds our dreams and allows us to truly embody our fullest potential.
Beautiful Breathing
I am greatly honoured to be leading Singing for Breathing sessions at the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals this term and have been immensely touched and inspired by hearing the beautiful voices and stories of patients with pulmonary and cardiac issues.
So often we forget what amazing tool for transformation our own breath cycle is. Difficult emotions, states of unrest, pain and tension are all alleviated by simply slowing the breath. Breathing with connection to our tummy muscles counters the shallow breathing associated with anxious states. Releasing a long breath to an increasing count or whilst sounding SSSS or SSSHHH encourages beautiful, billowing breath.
Mental Magic
We all have the capacity to take command of our thoughts. A mantra (meaning tool of the mind in Sanskrit) is an intention, invocation or affirmation which enables us to still and centre ourselves. Spiritual traditions of all shapes and sizes have used them for centuries - even footballers chant them. Whether it’s the Gayatri Mantra or The Sun Has Got His Hat On, intentional sounding of your chosen song, chant or affirmation clears and brightens the mind.
Dance into Delight
Whether its dancing around the lounge, yoga, pilates, moshing or strictly ballroom, movement is medicine. Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy has researched the power of body language and demonstrated that ‘power posing’ significantly alters our brain chemistry and hardwires us for success. Expanding beyond our habitual body language and patterns of movement enables us to access new behaviours, sensations and interactions. Movement brings our visions into action, grounds our dreams and allows us to truly embody our fullest potential.
I am delighted to have been invited to co-facilitate an Open and Shine Urban Retreat day
this weekend with Yoga Teacher Katrin Heuser and am looking forward to
stretching in new directions using sound, movement and creative self
Sizzling Sounds
Singing restores my sense of wonder about life. Witnessing the power of creative expression within people from all walks of life - teen mums and their babies to therapists integrating sound into their work and elders of 89 years - is truly awe-inspiring. I am so grateful to all of you who come and share the magic with me.
Just to say how much this day opened my mind to sound. Katie carried us on a journey with enormous enthusiasm and charm. Her varied array of instruments to just look at was a treat, never mind have a play with. Great fun, with a serious side about the benefits of using sound to reach people struggling in their lives. - Virginia Prime, Aromatherapist, Scent of Sound Workshop at the IFA
Radical Radiance
The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach is joy. There is radiance and glory in the darkness could we but see - and to see we have only to look. - Fra Giovanni Ciocondo
Becoming a radical, radiant force for transformation in the world becomes possible when we stay tuned to our essential sense of self. This ‘Self’ is able to observe all the identities and roles we play out in daily life. As such it is a vast space of possibility - both empty and expansive. As we drop the fear of losing our identity, we discover the joy of transcending limiting beliefs and reclaiming our natural radiance. We are able to respect the wisdom within others and to experience greater levels of connectedness. For radiance is not something separate from the struggles we face in our humanity - it is absolutely inherent within it. It is contained within every cell of our body and every aspect of our families, communities and societies. As we re-source, remember and reclaim our radiance we become a force for liberation in the world.
Sizzling Sounds
Singing restores my sense of wonder about life. Witnessing the power of creative expression within people from all walks of life - teen mums and their babies to therapists integrating sound into their work and elders of 89 years - is truly awe-inspiring. I am so grateful to all of you who come and share the magic with me.
Just to say how much this day opened my mind to sound. Katie carried us on a journey with enormous enthusiasm and charm. Her varied array of instruments to just look at was a treat, never mind have a play with. Great fun, with a serious side about the benefits of using sound to reach people struggling in their lives. - Virginia Prime, Aromatherapist, Scent of Sound Workshop at the IFA
Radical Radiance
The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach is joy. There is radiance and glory in the darkness could we but see - and to see we have only to look. - Fra Giovanni Ciocondo
Becoming a radical, radiant force for transformation in the world becomes possible when we stay tuned to our essential sense of self. This ‘Self’ is able to observe all the identities and roles we play out in daily life. As such it is a vast space of possibility - both empty and expansive. As we drop the fear of losing our identity, we discover the joy of transcending limiting beliefs and reclaiming our natural radiance. We are able to respect the wisdom within others and to experience greater levels of connectedness. For radiance is not something separate from the struggles we face in our humanity - it is absolutely inherent within it. It is contained within every cell of our body and every aspect of our families, communities and societies. As we re-source, remember and reclaim our radiance we become a force for liberation in the world.
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