Dear Friend

Loving Life This February
I’m being reminded this February that the reflective retreat of winter is an invitation to deepen our connection to what and who we love in life. Hidden treasures lie within the stony pathways and knotty stories along our way.
Loving Stories
Every great love starts with a great story…. Nicholas Sparkls, The Notebook
The stories of our lives and loves can become the clay for our creativity. We can reclaim and recapitulate even the most traumatic of tales through creative mediums, transforming and redeeming our experiences. The latest exhibition at descARTes Gallery at Matthews Yard - The Story of Faces is a truly inspirational example, as paedophile ring survivor Nicky Nickolls ‘paints her journey with the full force of her heart and desires.’ Another artist Hale Man is inviting Croydon to rise up this Chinese New Year through her powerful phoenix artwork. I’m looking forward to singing at the Phoenix Parade which will bring diverse sectors of the community together in an integrated arts celebration.
Loving Singing
Good fortune attend each merry man's friend
That doth but the best that he may
Forgetting old wrongs, with carols and songs
To drive the cold winter away - Trad.carol
Folk of olden times certainly knew what they were up to with their wassails and carols - it’s a very effective way to transform ‘old wrongs’ and send the winter blues packing. So I found this weekend at the community wassail in Addiscombe Railway Park (photos below by Ally McKinlay) where we blessed the orchard and each other with songs, sounds and speeches. Singing kindles fires of fun and friendliness - regardless of whether you are chanting with a load of footie fans, rocking out with your favourite choir or simply your hairbrush.
I’m being reminded this February that the reflective retreat of winter is an invitation to deepen our connection to what and who we love in life. Hidden treasures lie within the stony pathways and knotty stories along our way.
Loving Stories
Every great love starts with a great story…. Nicholas Sparkls, The Notebook
The stories of our lives and loves can become the clay for our creativity. We can reclaim and recapitulate even the most traumatic of tales through creative mediums, transforming and redeeming our experiences. The latest exhibition at descARTes Gallery at Matthews Yard - The Story of Faces is a truly inspirational example, as paedophile ring survivor Nicky Nickolls ‘paints her journey with the full force of her heart and desires.’ Another artist Hale Man is inviting Croydon to rise up this Chinese New Year through her powerful phoenix artwork. I’m looking forward to singing at the Phoenix Parade which will bring diverse sectors of the community together in an integrated arts celebration.
Loving Singing
Good fortune attend each merry man's friend
That doth but the best that he may
Forgetting old wrongs, with carols and songs
To drive the cold winter away - Trad.carol
Folk of olden times certainly knew what they were up to with their wassails and carols - it’s a very effective way to transform ‘old wrongs’ and send the winter blues packing. So I found this weekend at the community wassail in Addiscombe Railway Park (photos below by Ally McKinlay) where we blessed the orchard and each other with songs, sounds and speeches. Singing kindles fires of fun and friendliness - regardless of whether you are chanting with a load of footie fans, rocking out with your favourite choir or simply your hairbrush.
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