Dear Friend
Peace is Possible
When we talk about peace we have to talk about it in a way that we believe that it's achievable, that it can be a real and tangible thing in our age. ... We have to be convinced that it's possible and in being convinced seeing it coming to some sort of permanent flourishing in our societies. - Father John Pritchard, St John The Evangelist, Upper Norwood
If peace is to be possible, we must affirm it, we must declare it and we must celebrate it. Peace is not an utopian dream - it is, I believe, the basic baseline of our existence. We notice peace most when it is gone - when violent incidents happen or our body becomes unwell, then we notice peace has been disrupted. When we are in a state of rest, peace is easy, accessible and possible. It is as natural as a long sleep, a deep breath or a soak in the bath. The peace that we are privileged enough to enjoy in this country is made possible by a multitude of daily contributions from the people who clean our streets to those who save lives everyday in hospitals. Every day we can make everyday choices to make our streets and communities safer, happier, peaceful places - whether that's smiling at someone on the bus, expressing gratitude to those who serve us in shops or taking care of our friends and family. Peace is possible, it's within us and when we extend towards others peacefully we help create a more peaceful world for everyone.
Music Creates Peace
There’s something about communal singing that reaches into the dawn of human history and speaks to us in a way that transcends many boundaries and enables something innately human to manifest itself – the sense of belonging, of sharing, of being part of a team and a bond of camaraderie. - Jeremy Haneman - Conductor, writing about Singing Lives event Refugee Week in The Plight of the Dispossessed resonates with us all
When we sing and play music together, we remember our shared humanity in a powerfully visceral way. We move, breathe and sound together in rhythm and harmony. We tune into the shared beating of our hearts and the tapping of our feet. We merge ourselves in a shared endeavour and enjoy a peaceful connection. Time and time again I see disparate groups of people meeting in harmony to sing at choir - peace is real and peace is possible - and it sounds good!
An Anthem for Peace
I am absolutely delighted to be supporting the LMP's Anthem for Peace which will be a modern-day anthem for our time which can be rapped, spoken, sung, played by anyone.
The UK's longest running chamber orchestra, LMP have a longstanding commitment to making music accessible to audiences from tiny babies to people in care in their twilight years. Since the closure of Croydon's Fairfield Halls for renovation, the orchestra has been nestled in the heart of the community at St Johns The Evangelists Upper Norwood and has embarked on a highly successful, imaginative#LMPOnTheMove Programme playing in festivals, libraries and community hubs which will culminate in a finale with Shift K3Y at Boxpark on 19th July.
As part of their Harmony & Confiict series, LMP have commissioned this specialAnthem for Peace and will be inviting everyone to get involved in community performances next year at Croydon's first Festival of Peace. The piece will tour nationally and internationally, taking this special message around the globe -
and you can be part of it right from the start!!!
Help Us Sing, Play, Dance and Declare Peace
Declare it. Just the same way we declare war. That is how we will have peace ... we just need to declare it - John Lennon
As we sing, dance, play, smile peacefully we declare that is it so, that is possible, that it is everyday, that it is the beautiful, natural state of shared life that connects us all.
Help Us Declare Peace
For just £2, less than a cup of coffee, you can help us create a beautiful piece of music that will live in the hearts, minds and memories of people forever.
Thank you for all you do to help keep the peace in our world - wishing you a joyful, peaceful July.
The UK's longest running chamber orchestra, LMP have a longstanding commitment to making music accessible to audiences from tiny babies to people in care in their twilight years. Since the closure of Croydon's Fairfield Halls for renovation, the orchestra has been nestled in the heart of the community at St Johns The Evangelists Upper Norwood and has embarked on a highly successful, imaginative#LMPOnTheMove Programme playing in festivals, libraries and community hubs which will culminate in a finale with Shift K3Y at Boxpark on 19th July.
As part of their Harmony & Confiict series, LMP have commissioned this specialAnthem for Peace and will be inviting everyone to get involved in community performances next year at Croydon's first Festival of Peace. The piece will tour nationally and internationally, taking this special message around the globe -
and you can be part of it right from the start!!!
Help Us Sing, Play, Dance and Declare Peace
Declare it. Just the same way we declare war. That is how we will have peace ... we just need to declare it - John Lennon
As we sing, dance, play, smile peacefully we declare that is it so, that is possible, that it is everyday, that it is the beautiful, natural state of shared life that connects us all.
Help Us Declare Peace
For just £2, less than a cup of coffee, you can help us create a beautiful piece of music that will live in the hearts, minds and memories of people forever.
Thank you for all you do to help keep the peace in our world - wishing you a joyful, peaceful July.
Twitter: @katierosewindow
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