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Wednesday, 31 March 2021

๐ŸŒน April Awakening - April News from Katie Rose


๐ŸŒน๐ŸŽถ Save the Date: Flame Album Launch 30th July 2021
You're invited to my album launch at St John the Evangelist Upper Norwood, SE19 2RX on the evening of Friday 30th July - see you there!
Dear Friend

April Awakening
Awakening to spring through song, poetry and reflection

๐ŸŒน  ANNOUNCEMENT - Save the date: Flame Album Launch 30th July!
 ๐ŸŒน  BLOG/ ZOOMCAST - The Voice of Awakening with Michael Doiley
 ๐ŸŒน GONG VIGIL - for Sarah Everard and for all women who feel unsafe and have experienced violence harassment or abuse walking our streets.
๐ŸŒน  WILD WOMEN DO! Spring Circle for women to release & renew

 ๐ŸŒน CHOIRS - Looking towards singing in person after Easter
๐ŸŒนBIG SPRING SING - joyful singing to awaken to Spring
๐ŸŒน  COACHING - claim the joy, magic and power of your voice
 ๐ŸŒน  POETRY - Springsong emerging

Thank you for listening, reading and staying tuned!
Sending you all a big singing hug
Stay safe, sane and sound

๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŽถ The Voice of Awakening ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŒน
On this month's episode of Vocal Revolution (video below - or listen on Apple Podcasts) I talked about the power of music and meditation to awaken us more fully to life with Michael Doiley- DJ/ Producer, Life-Coach, Speaker and author of Learn to Meditate: the Secret to Lasting Inner Peace.   
We'd love to hear from you: 
Do leave comments and share your thoughts!

1. Music is Profound
If you play the right music that’s the best thing you can do for people and its something that crosses international barriers - Michael Doiley
In our conversation Michael talks about how music is at the core of our existence, in the rhythms of language and our bodies.  Driven by his mission to awaken the spirit and get it dancing, he shares stories of his experiences of music and of his work as an international DJ playing for a star studded list of celebrities including Kylie, Will I am, Diana Ross and Mariah Carey.  He shares how he has seen the power of music transform people - from clubbers on the dance floor to young people in our local community.

2. Humanity awakening to itself
 We are powerful...We are more creative than we think
- Michael Doiley.

Immensely sad though this year has been, it has given us a chance to learn and given our planet a chance to breathe. It has forced us to adapt, innovate and create - to claim and use the freedom of our minds whilst we are outwardly restricted.  It has brought oppressed voices to the fore - people protesting and breaking free of divisive socially conditioned limitations. The Black Lives Matter protests last year and the powerful uprising of women worldwide following Sarah Everard's brutal murder have highlighted many layers of social injustice. Taking to the streets is only one form of action- the greater invitation is to take a stand for life, for white supremacy, misogyny, racism, all forms of hate are anti-life, as
Layla F Saad says so beautifully in her latest newsletter:

We must stand for life.
We must stand for the safety, dignity, well-being, joy, and thriving of us all.

We must affirm life.
Knowing that whatever affects one part of our great family of humanity affects us all.

We must protect life.
Because we are all that we’ve got.

We must nurture life.
Because to do the opposite is to surrender to the virus of hate that will consume us from the inside out until we are but a shell of our humanity.

3.Go for it! Don't Hold Back
  Just move forward with purpose, with love and anything’s possible! - Michael Doiley
When we recognise and dismantle the limitations of negative beliefs and social conditioning, we create a space for transcendence- to go beyond and go for our dreams. Just by taking the deep belly breaths, we can reset and release fear.  With the mighty magical tools of music and meditation we can harness our power and creativity and move forward with good intent.

๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŽถ Be well, be safe, breathe deep, sing loudly ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŽถ
Lots of love, virtual hugs and good singing vibes

Vocal Revolution Zoomcast
Transforming the world through voice
The Voice of Awakening with Michael Doiley, 
DJ/ Producer, Life-Coach and Speaker 

Michael Doiley shares with us his insights about the power of music and how we can awaken more fully to life.
Find out more about Michael and his recently updated book Learn to Meditate: the Secret to Lasting Inner Peace: 

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
Subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts
Gong Vigil For Sarah Everard
For all who women who feel unsafe and have experienced violence, harassment or abuse walking their streets.
Wild Women Do!
A Spring Circle with Katie Rose
Weds 7th April 7-8pm, on Zoom
An invitation for Wild Women* to release and renew with spring song, dance, reflection and relaxation. A safe space to blow off steam and source strength together through creative expression. Come as you are, with all you are feeling and experiencing in these intense times. 
*Inclusive of all people who identify as women 
To attend: please make a donation in the Honesty Box and write Wild Women Do! in the Notes on your order. 

Spring Singing
Huge Thanks to all the singers who have persevered and sung all the way through lockdown 3.0!
I'm looking forward to rule of 6 singing outdoors and the official return of choirs from May 17th -  Fingers crossed!!
Photo: ManSong Spring Party.
Find out more about choirs


Big Spring Sing
Joyful Singing with Katie Rose

Weds 14th April 7-8pm on Zoom
Awakening and celebrating the coming of Spring, (and the gradual release from lockdown) with joyful spring songs of various styles and flavours.  Feel free to wear your spring bonnet/ daffodil :)

To attend: please make a donation in the Honesty Box and
write Big Spring Sing! in the Notes on your order. 

Zoom links will be sent within 24 hours of your order and again just before the event. 

Coaching with Katie Rose - Claim the Power, Joy and Magic of your Voice

Coaching with Katie Rose
Claim the Power, Joy & Magic of Your Voice

“I left the session feeling amazed and energised. Ready for life, even more so.”

— Kylei - Fire Fighter

Singing or Speaking in Public is our No 1 fear, studies show, above death!  It's absolutely possible to liberate yourself from fear and speak and sing with ease and confidence.    Learning about our voices is a lifelong adventure with many wonderful benefits for our wellbeing.  Find out more

Power Petals - 1 minute tips to help bring your voice up roses
Power Petal 3 - The Power of Saying No!
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get each one as they come! 

From the tender heart of spring emerging
Bursts the winter rose, tsubaki -
Startling beauty of petalled perfection,
Luscious chรกhuฤ tea flower,
Nestled in leafy treasure chests
Of the world's most beloved beverage.
Multi-layered floral faces trace
Multi-national roots to many places -
Enjoyed for centuries in the gardens
And ceremonies of China, Japan, India,
Clipped and traded by Western colonists,
Named Camellia by a Swedish botanist
After a Moravian Jesuit Botanist
Whose studies of Filipino plant medicine
Did not include his namesake.
Swooning, self beheading,
Feared by samurai, beloved by lovers,
Death locks stem and flower
In eternal embrace.

๐ŸŒนKatie Rose 

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