New Podcast -
Finding Your Digital Voice in 2022 ๐ถ๐น
What did you do today to make you feel proud! (Heather Small)Guaranteed to inspire, motivate and get you singing the latest Vocal Revolution Podcast is a big burst of yellow energy and enthusiasm from Digital Visibility Specialists, Emily & Alan Braithwaite,
Yellow Tuxedo. Over the pandemic, I was blessed to join their big yellow family of entrepreneurs sharing the challenges of taking our businesses online at the
Yellow Tuxedo Digital Circus.
So it was such a delight to talk to founders Emily and Alan on my podcast about how we find our voices in the digital world.
Finding your voice ... giving yourself a platform so that voice can be heard... so people can find you... - Emily BraithwaiteAlan and Emily are driven by a desire to help amazing businesses be found by as many people as possible. They provide both practical, jargon-free how-to training and support with soft skills (overcoming imposter syndrome, camera shyness etc) to help businesses master their digital visibility. With a background in working for major brands and organisations, they've helped small in-person businesses go global, whilst still staying true to their values.
Perfect does not exist... Emily BraithwaiteIn the podcast Emily and Alan talk through the understandable blocks and challenges that come up around becoming more visible online - including overwhelm, lack of know-how and that killer of creativity, perfectionism. They advocate getting started by setting clear goals and working towards them with baby steps, practising with soft audiences whilst building confidence.
Fundamentally it's about making people happy - Alan BraithwaiteBuzzing with contagious enthusiasm, Alan and Emily model what it is to make business an adventure and build a rich community of customers, followers, advocates, friends, family. Seeing exciting possibilities for warm connections, conversations and exchanges they empower each person to be their own USP (Unique Selling Point) and share their gifts in the world authentically.
More happy, fulfilled people helping other people with their services
= more happiness for everyone! Yay!
Do enjoy the full episode on the video above or listen on
Apple Podcastsand do share your thoughts and yellow lightbulb moments in the comments!
Sending bright yellow vibes and bouquets of roses to start your New Year with joy, happiness and peace!Be well, be safe, breathe deep, sing loudly

For staying tuned and singing your song!
Much good singing vibes!

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