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Saturday 29 December 2012

New Frontiers.. January News

Rose Sounds - 2013.. the new frontier...
Here we are looking at the blank canvas of the emerging New Year - what do you wish to paint, sculpt, draw, sing or simply be there? What does voyaging into the unknown bring up for you - exhilaration, adventure, creativity, butterflies, daring-do? What holds and supports you in the quick of life’s uncertainty and enables you to expand rather than contract from the preciousness of each moment?
For me as I reflect on the transformational year of 2012, I’m so grateful for the support and love I experience in my life and am aware that I still have new frontiers to soften so I can yield and surrender to the flow, to the dance, to the song, to the invitation to live mind, body heart and soundfully. From softness is born the strength of a lion’s heart, from delicacy comes the deliciousness of life, from subtlety the ability to savour all the flavours on offer in every moment.
Whatever you intend or resolve upon for 2013, may there be space for the spontaneity of joyful surprises and the delight of discovering new frontiers of freedom.
Looking forward to hearing, seeing and singing with you in 2013!

New Adventures for January
"You guided me to my heart in an explosive journey and I'm forever grateful. I will never let myself down........ I feel secure within myself yet so vulnerable. Thank you!!! ♥♥♥ Jyoti X"
If you’d like to journey to the next frontier of self expression or take a sonic trip in a special one to one Love Your Voice/Sound Therapy Session, please contact me.
Conscious connections meets kickass clubbing!
Enjoy the vibrant songfulness of angel-voiced Katie Rose, followed by global sounds and groovy beats from the awesome Caz Coronel. The event takes places in an intimate and beautiful private residence, complete with enchanted Oriental garden! Delicious food from Bite Entertainment will be available throughout the evening. Plus connection and games, massage and healing sessions, and a few surprises along the way!!!
Saturday 26th January, 7.00-11.00pm, £12 early bird by 12 Jan, £17 thereafter.
The Garden of Roses - Tones of Transformation
An evening of Auspicious Sounds with Katie Rose & Friends featuring
* Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino - present magical music from their new album Eight Auspicious Symbols - featuring the mesmerising sounds of Mongolian Khöömii Singing and truly extraordinary sacred instruments.
* Raphael Radoux-Rogier - creative & versatile fiddle player, singer & composer who combines his classical training with his love of traditional music to create unique playful & colourful soundscapes.
Inspiral Lounge, Tuesday 29th January, 7.30pm - 10.30pm, Free!
Monthly Singing Group in Forest Hill
Would you like to discover your voice in a very nurturing and playful space?
Super easy super chilled chanting, singing & voice stretching.
Next session:  Jan 30th, 7.30-9.30pm, £15, SE23
Please contact me for more details

At The Big Om with Barefoot Doctor and Tim Wheater

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Sonic Soulstice Card with a little Musical Pudding

Dear Beautiful Being,

Wishing you a Wondrously Songful SoulStice
& Merry Midwinter Season!

Thank you for all the wonderful creativity, love, joy and beauty you share in the world.

Thank you for being a sparkly, songful presence in my world this year.

Here's a
little musical pudding for the last dances of 2012.
Wishing you safe passage into the new realms of 2013.

With love and gratitude


Super Sonic Solstice Events
I'd be super delighted to sing with you over the festive season - do join me at:
* 19th December - Forest Hill Singing Group - super easy joyful singing
* 31st December - New Years Eve 5Rhythms Party - Tim Broughton, Alive! & Nikki Slade
* Love Your Voice - 121 Holistic Vocal Coaching-  TLC for your wonderful voice.