Dear Friend๐น๐ถ The Magical Rainbow of Your Voice ๐ถ๐น"Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail."
Robert Motherwell, American Painter (1915 - 1991)The Rainbow is a magical bridge between heaven and earth,
sun and rain, light and shade.From divine bling to heavenly wifi, for centuries the rainbow has been seen as a powerful, multi-layered connector.
The Aborigine Creator
Rainbow Serpent births and connects all life
. Light-footed, winged Greek Goddess
Iris, carried messages between divinity and humanity over the rainbow. Similarly, for the Norse,
Bifrรถst was the burning rainbow bridge between Norse
Midgard/ Earth and
Asgard/ the realm of the Gods. Ancient Amazonians closed their mouths to prevent disease at the sight of a rainbow and Navajo forbid pointing. A sign of redemption for Noah, the rainbow necklace of Sumerian Goddess Ishtar also acted as a covenant with humanity after a Great Flood.
Tir, the Armenian Scribe God and Albanian Dawn Goddess
Prende adorned themselves with rainbow
. Jalu, the Rainbow Body in Tibetan Buddhism arises as the body is transformed into the five lights of the five elements at enlightenment.
Our voices are magical rainbow bridges bringing forth that which is internal into the external world.As we cross the bridge we can express full spectrum of ourselves and our lives - lamenting our griefs, serenading our beloveds and praising the high heavens. Vocal communication can forge bridges of connection, diplomacy, dialogue and collaboration. An extraordinarily intricate anatomical instrument, our voices birth a rainbow diversity of creations.
It takes courage to open our mouths to sing and speak.
If fear is getting in the way, joining a
choir or having
coaching can help.
Fear is only one strand of our emotional spectrum, but when dominant, it can drain the joy and colour out of life. As we work - and sing - through our fears, we access many supportive qualities within and around us. Whilst we may not be guaranteed a pot of gold, myriad rewards of authentic self-expression and colourful creativity await us.
So whatever rainbow trail is calling you - be sure to listen and follow it!
Devon Rainbow / Parrot Image. via PixabayStrut your rainbow stuff! :)I'm Proud of You!As it's Pride Month I'll close with a rainbow reminder to be proud of you
- yes you! - with all your amazing kaleidoscopic qualities.
In a world full of distraction and destruction of our self-worth,
it's amazing how powerful those words can be when spoken with love.
So whether you are riding high on a happy wave or hiding under the duvet,
take a moment to honour and be proud of yourself for getting this far
- for still being alive, heart beating, lungs breathing,
for coming through it all -
and if you feel inspired tell someone you're proud of them too!
If you have 5 minutes, do listen to this poem
I'm Proud of You by In-Q which I first heard In-Q deliver on
Kute Blackson's podcast.I'm proud of you and your magical voice - sing loud and proud! ๐น๐ถ
Wishing you a Joyful June! ๐ถ
Be well, breathe deep and keep singing loudly!
Drop me a line or sing me a
@katierosewindow on the Socials
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